Nancy Young wrote:
> Default User wrote:
>>sf wrote:
>>>On Tue, 16 Nov 2004 12:11:46 -0500, Nancy Young
> wrote:
>>>> PENMART01 wrote:
>>>> > Don't forget the turkey oysters, those two succulent medallions
>>>>lodged in the > depression of the backbone... my guests never even
>>>>see them.
>>>> Lucky them ... icky little liver tasting bombs. Accck.
>>>Are you talking about what he's talking about?
>>>What he's talking about is on the OUTSIDE of the carcass and
>>>they aren't liver flavored to me.
>>I think she means the kidneys, which are the ovoids on the interior of
>>the back, and do taste sort of like liver. The oysters are just very
>>tender, tasty bits of dark meat.
> They are on the OUTSIDE of the back, towards the legs.
> nancy
Poultry butt cheeks, basically.