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Aloke Prasad
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"Ben S." > wrote in message
> Aloke Prasad wrote:
>> My parents used to add a pinch of sugar to the pot while steeping black
>> tea, saying that it improved the quality of the brew. I think I agree,
>> but that may be the placebo effect (power of suggestion).
>> Has anyone else heard of this? or agree with this?

> I would say if it works for you, do it!

But the scientist/engineer in me will wonder whether it's all psychosomatic
or if the effect is real. It's too much to set up a blind taste test :-)
Thus i was wondering if this belief/effect (of small amount of sugar
improving the color of the liquor) was more widespread ...

> I rarely drink black teas but when I do, I usually add a bit of sugar in
> the cup, and it seems to smooth the flavor and enhance the more subtle
> nuances which I miss when it's unsweetend. Ceylon's my exception - seems
> better to me with no sugar.

There wouldn't be much of an effect on taste (sweetening) of 1 tsp of sugar
in a pot brewing 3-4 cups of tea. It was (supposedly) to improve the
quality of the brew ...
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