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"Katra" > wrote in message
> Picked up a new item at the thai store tonight to try...
> I'm adventurous about foods and there is a LOT of stuff at that market
> that is still new and different, as well as being low carb and low cal.
> <lol> I'll get around to trying shark fin one of these days...
> Anyway, it was over with the dried shitakes. It's a bag that says "dried
> fungus" and when I asked the cashier, she said it was called white
> fungus.
> They are some sort of dried mushroom that looks a lot like a coral
> mushroom. Thin and crispy looking little wavy things. I've not tried
> them yet but I plan to try reconstituting with water first, then go from
> there.
> Anyone ever heard of anything like this or have any preparation hints???
> TIA!
> K.
> --
> Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...
>>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,<

> id=katra

I believe what you have there is Tremella fuciformis. When I first saw
these dried in the pack I thought it was Sparassis crispa or the cauliflower
fungus. I was told that was not the case. Do a search and you will find
some recipes. It also has good medicinal properties. I also encountered a
PDF on its cultivation and apparently it can not digest cellulose or lignin
very well so it needs to be in a mixed culture to fruit properly. Thought
that was pretty interesting. I have seen your posts on your oyster
experiments so I thought you may be interested.

Hope this helps, have a good one.
