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  #26 (permalink)   Report Post  
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You would not believe the abuse my Revereware has withstood over the course of
50+ years and two generations of cooks (well, Sheldon might *chuckles*).

One of my favorite Revereware pots is a 5 qt pot w/ a long handle (have not
seen that particular size/style Revere pot before or since) was salvaged from
a neighbor who burned the bottom of it beyond recognition. She was thowing it
away and I decided to try to save it. It was crusted with the hardest blackest
stuff I'd ever seen in my life. A few days soaking and scrubbing later and
the bottom was clean! That was over 20 years ago and I still use that pot
nearly everyday.

I've got a few pieces of the new fancy heavy SS designer cookware and find
myself using my old Revereware and cast iron skillets/dutch ovens in
preference. I do like the heavy SS non-stick Emerilware fry pan I received as a
gift but it won't last 10 years- the non-stick lining is already scratched up
from hubby.

I will say that the Revereware they sell today is not as sturdy as my mother's
Revereware. The handles in particular seem much less durable.

YMMV as they say

