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-L. :
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SteveR > wrote in message >...
> My wife has a slight "comes-and-goes" temperature, and occasional mild
> bouts of the runs, together with a faintly queasy stomach. It's getting
> better, but she still isn't right.
> The "classic" thing for this is chicken soup, but all the chicken soups
> I can buy in the supermarkets are "cream of" types, with far more dairy
> than chicken, except for Campbell's 99% Fat Free, which tasted, in her
> words, "like tepid dishwater," and I agree.
> Baxter's Luxury Beef Consommé is a bit strong for her, she says, and a
> batch of mashed potatoes "sat like a lump" in her stomach.
> Bananas made her feel more queasy, and even a simple glass of orange
> juice (good quality, no less) leaves her feeling full after a few sips.
> Any suggestions for something easy-to-prepare (preferably at the
> heat-and-eat level) that wouldn't be too hard on a queasy stomach like
> this?
> Thanks in advance,

Honestly, when I feel like that the only thing I can keep down is
gingerale or my homemade "Gatorade":

Lots of ice
16 oz distilled water
1 T orange juice concentrate
pinch salt
Mix well

Stay away from meat for awhile. Rice simmered in chicken broth is a
good stand-by. Hope she's feeling better soon. I was very sick
recently and the only thing that tasted or sounded good (besides the
above drinks) was Corn Chex cereal with skim milk. So that's all I
ate for about 2 weeks. Feed her whatever she'll eat.
