In article >,
"Cotton Eyed Joe" > wrote:
> "Katra" > wrote in message news:KatraMungBean->
> > I've heard of the paddlefish caviar, and it's being farmed if I remember
> > correctly. :-) I've read it compares favorably to Sturgeon and Beluga.
> > Sturgeons are not endangered yet, but they are on the threatened list.
> Beluga is a kind of sturgeon, btw. I have always heard the term
> "endangered" when referring to beluga, but I think that you are correct that
> they are not on the endangered list yet. However, the situation is so grave
> in the Caspian sea from overfishing that it is believed that the beluga
> there is not reproducing anymore and at this rate in less than 2 decades
> they will be extict. Beluga takes 20-24 years to mature enough to give
> caviar. Sevruga and Osetra take from 8 -15 years.
> >
> > I've not seen whitefish! I'll have to check that out, thanks!
> >
> > I agree tho', the "canned" lumpfish caviars are totally different from
> > the fresh ones! I'm hoping that Central Market will have the paddlefish
> > caviar this year. They will often let you "taste" before you buy so keep
> > one jar open for that. They just give it to you straight in a plastic
> > spoon which is ideal.
> >
> > I like the way it pops between your teeth. <lol>
> Whitefish has a good "pop" to it. I like that also. Paddlefish doesn't pop
> as much, though.
Well, that is the ONE thing that the cheap Romanoff has going for it. <G>
I'll have to look for Whitefish roe...
> >
> > Never could enjoy salmon caviar. To me, that's just fishbait!
> Too gooey. Same with Mullet roe.
Never tried Mullet roe, but I agree about the salmon. ;-)