Wayne Boatwright > wrote in message >...
> I've made pork and sauerkraut for years, either a small roast or "country
> style" ribs with fresh pack sauerkraut, often with caraway seeds, a few crush
> juniper berries, a teaspoon or two of brown sugar, etc.
> I've never used sour cream in it, but I have eaten it in a couple of
> restaurants.
> Do any of you add sour cream? Suggestions on conbinations of seasonings,
> etc.?
Very common in parts of Hungary and Croatia. But, as my family is from
the southern part of Croatia, our version was more of a Mediterranean
style and without the paprika and sour cream.
This is my cousin Steve Pitalo's version of Kupus (sauerkraut)
1 medium onion, coarsely chopped
Zest of 1/4 to 1/2 of an orange
2 to 3 Tbsp. of fresh parsley
2 jars of sauerkraut (use home made if possible)
meat of 2 to 3 pork chops (lean)
1 qt. of chicken stock
2 large cloves garlic
extra virgin olive oil
Saute onion until slightly caramelized. Add garlic and parsley and
saute. In a different pan caramelize the pork (brown it). Add a
small amount of chicken stock to the onions and continue to caramelize
adding more stock as it evaporates. Add the pork and the sauerkraut.
Continue to caramelize the sauerkraut until browm always adding small
portions of chicken stock to keep from burning the vegetables. In
about the last 5 minutes of cooking, add the zest and cook it to
flavor the whole thing. Then cut to the lowest heat and let sit for
an hour. Heat up when ready to serve.
It probably wouldn't hurt to top this with a little sour cream.