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Tess > writes:
>"SteveR" > wrote in message
>> My wife has a slight "comes-and-goes" temperature, and occasional mild


>> this?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> --
>> SteveR

>Bless her heart : ( I get that fairly often, myself. Here's what my husband
>does for me :
>- Silk Folks' Soup -
>Dissolve a couple of chicken boullion cubes in 2-3 cups of water, and boil.
>In another pot, boil up about a handful of rice. ( saffron is nice ). In the
>event that you have very big hands, about a half-cup. Combine. Let simmer a
>while. Add a little butter, and maybe a touch of pepper. You can put in a
>little minced onion and celery, too. Really does the trick, it's pleasant,
>and she gets a little *oomph* from the rice. Sorry to be so technical, there
>: )

This sounds like it could be good anyway. Is that a handful *before*
cooking or *after*? Something rather like this (as suggested by many
posters) went down and stayed down, and was approved of as something she
could eat without feeling like I had served third-hand dishwater.

(throw away the dustbin, send to stever@... instead)

Humans are way too stupid to be dumb animals.