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  #14 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Well, lets look:

case a, dead material:
Assuming there are souring agents in this powder, it would give sour
environment adjusted ( = sourdough ) organisms a head start.

case b, alive material:
With or without souring agents, sourdough typical organisms would
already be there.

In both cases this should give a better result with the powder than with
plain flour and water at some level. If it's detectable is another question.

No argument can convince a true believer. That's what believes are for. And
it keeps things stable over generations:


At 06:17 PM 11/13/2004, Kenneth wrote:

>I believe that you would have had the same result if you
>used flour and water and none of the KA "starter."
>All the best,
>If you email... Please remove the "SPAMLESS."

remove "-nospam" when replying, and it's in my email address