Janet Bostwick wrote:
> "Melba's Jammin'" > wrote in message
> ...
>>In article >, "Janet Bostwick"
> wrote:
>>>Now I know for sure that you are from the mid-West. No one else I
>>>know uses potato water to make gravy.
>>Yer kidding! Waste not, want not.
>>-Barb, <www.jamlady.eboard.com>
> Oh, I agree. I am from the mid-West, and I do use potato water for gravy.
> It's just that I've spent all of my adult life being defensive about it and
> converting a few. Potato water was always used to deglaze the pans from all
> the big roasts and birds. Until I moved west, I assumed everyone did it
> that way.
> Janet
I thought that everybody uses potato water for thickening soups and
gravies. I guess it's the potato starch that does it.