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I cannot believe that I actually found it but it was from a post back in
September, I'll copy and paste the relevent text he

" In Russia there is a very popular remedy that is harvested in the Tuva
ajasent to Mongolia and is called "mumie". This is harvested from the
crevasses of rocks in high deserts. It looks like black tar and is used for
tissue and bone regeneration, among other things. It is also found in Egypt
and was described in many Arab medicinal texts of the early middle ages.
When I worked there as a geologist we would gather it during field work and
sell back home. That would at least triple our salaries.
I know it works because my wifes late grandmother broke her hip when she was
80 and after taking mumie her hip got healed faster than if she was 20 years
old. Recently is also helped my friends daugher who has very complex knee
surgery. But it is not 100% safe, because if a person has undiscovered
cancer, mumuie can accelerate its growth.
This mumie is actually fermented excrements of a small mouse that lives in
teh rock crevasses and is known to be complete vegetarian. It also has a
funny custom to releave itself in teh same location over its lifetime. I
still have about 100g of it in my fridge here in the US twenty years later.
So poo-poo puerh is not THAT unusual."

On reading it of course it has nothing to do with the fungus I sent the link
to sooo..nevermind! 8/


"Alex Chaihorsky" > wrote in message
> Melinda, to tell you the truth I do not think I remember what are you
> talking about.
> Can you remind me? May be it was Kombucha mushroom?
> Sasha.
> "Melinda" > wrote in message
> ...
>>I have a very foggy memory, Sasha, of you mentioning something that (to my
>>poor recollection) was a fungus of some sort that one collected from rocks
>>and then brewed some sort of elixer of life from or something...anyway I
>>saw this and wondered if it was at all the same thing. Probably not but I
>>thought I'd point it out... by the way I have no idea what this product is
>>other than their description:
>> Melinda
