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Nancy Young
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Dave Smith wrote:
> Nancy Young wrote:

> That is a good thought. Personally, I don't think there is enough dark meat on a
> turkey. My wife was delighted to have turkey dinners in my parents house because,
> like me, she loves dark meat, and everyone else prefers breast meat. Her family
> was the exact opposite, with most people preferring the dark meat.

Hey, you married into a smart family! (smile)

> I suppose that since turkey has become a traditional feast meal, you do want to
> make sure that you have lots. And then there are the leftovers. Most people seem to
> like them more than I do. I am good for turkey once every few months, one meal with
> it re heated with gravy or in Turkey Divine, and then one or turkey sandwiches.
> After that, I am fed up with turkey and don't want to even see one for a few
> months.

I'm with you, alright already with the turkey.

> I guess I should also account for messing up the carving :-) That's where I fall
> down on turkey presentation. I can do the stuffing, put the bird into the oven and
> cook it to perfection, take it out and and let it sit while I make the stuffing.
> But for the life of me I cannot carve a turkey, or a chicken, without making a mess
> of it.

Sounds great to me. I don't really care for a neat presentation.
This way you save me work at the table! Shred it up!

> As for the bag of mystery meat.... I do not make giblet gravy. I used to give them
> to the dogs and cats. The current dogs do not get turkey in any way shape or form
> due to one of them having had a horrendous accident on our kitchen flour after
> eating turkey. If someone is taking the carcass to make turkey soup (not my
> favourite) they get the neck too.

Oh man, pet accidents make me ill. If I had just eaten, I will cover
it with a towel until I can control my gut. Pathetic, I know. I
have enough trouble keeping my food down as it is.

At any rate, if you just put the white meat and the dark meat on
separate sides of the platter, I really don't care if the slices
are neat and tv worthy. I'm gonna shred it anyway.
