zxcvbob > wrote in message >...
> Sheryl Rosen wrote:
> > Any pecan pie bakers out there who can share their tried and true secret
> > with me?
> >
> > Thanks
> > Sheryl
> >
> Partially cook the filling on top of the stove, and pour it into a
> blind-baked crust. Here's my recipe:
> Bob's Pecan Pie
> (This is a big recipe -- a 10" or deep dish 9 1/2" pie. It will not fit
> in a 9" pan.)
Thanks for the tips, Bob and Wayne.
Both are similar....pre-cook the crust and pre-cook the filling.
I like the idea of a shorter baking time total so you don't have to
fuss with tenting the crust so it doesn't burn.
I consulted Joy of Cooking this morning (after I posted my question)
and they also prescribed pre-baking the crust for pecan pie. They
didn't suggest pre-cooking the filling but it seems logical to me.
I am working with a bottle of Karo syrup that might be 3 years
old...will it be ok? It looks fine, free-flowing, no crystals, no
foreign matter, mold, etc. Probably made a pecan pie with the missing
half a bottle! My pie pan's small enough that the recipes calling for
1 cup of corn syrup will be just fine. (9 inch stoneware pan) Would
like to actually use up a bottle of corn syrup once in my life!
So I think I will use either the JOC or the Karo Syrup bottle recipe,
with the adjustment to the butter Bob recommended and the pre-baking
and sealing that Wayne recommended. And probably pre-cook the filling
a la Bob, as well.
I like how pretty the pecan halves look on top of the pie, but chopped
nuts make it much easier to cut into. I think I'll chop.