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Doug Hazen, Jr.
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Default TeaHome recommendations?

Hi Michael,

I'm starting a new thread to keep the "ty-phoo or pg tips?" one clean, so I
hope you see this.

> Renee,
> I found PG Tips somewhat softer than Tetley or Lipton. I suspect PG Tips
> snip snip
> as it pops into my mind, I'll post it.)
> Michael
> TeaHome's Aa Li Shan High Mountain Golden Lily (Green Style), which is

What do you (or anyone else with experience with Teahome) think of them? I
wasn't familiar with them before your post, and they seem to have some
interesting teas for pretty reasonable (at least by USA standards) prices.
I'm not interested in the "green style" oolongs, but their various medium
and darker roasts look nice. Unfortunately, they don't seem to have sample
sizes, so one presumably takes one's chances, which gets expensive pretty
quickly. Also, it doesn't look like they take credit cards.

Ahh, the vicissitudes of the tea life.

