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Ulrike Westphal
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"Lisse Tuerie" > schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> "Dick Adams" > wrote in message

> > Why are these Bakers still perpetuating non-self-perpetuating starters?
> > Can't guess!
> >
> > : |

> Hi Dick,
> Because we can, that's why!!! Actually I had heard from more than
> one source that these packets gave a good flavor. And since the flavor
> is apparently based on organisms, not chemical additives, it would
> seem a valid one for sourdough bakers to examine. Another reason,
> since I rarely have the opportunity to sample any bread that I don't
> bake myself, a standard for sour taste could be helpful. And from this
> it follows that if I went to the trouble to get the starter, I would
> like to keep it going for as long as I wanted to use it.
> Beyond this it's just a novelty, like big-holed rustic bread, or
> trying to run red lights before the Polizei Pumpernickel. (Actually I
> just got paroled from a long stretch in the Hessen jail for making
> Weizenmischbrot without baker's yeast and with caraway seeds.)
> --Lisse <~~~~~~ IS she a stoolie for the PUPO?? Tune in next week!

Hi Lisse,
did you already hear from "DAS ECHTE"???