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  #12 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Hmm... my husband has a sudden interest in FoodNetwork-- since he's been
cooking more these days he says he needs to watch a show that can teach himhow
to cook tasty fast meals for me-- and since we plan to do a road trip across
the counry this spring he says we need to find decent affordable restaurants
along the way, too. *nods*

I tell ya that man knows the exact time of each and every one of Rachel's
shows *laughs*

He doesn't seem terribly impressed with Gaida, though I think she is
definitely the more classic beauty. Rachel is not only *cute* but she has a
winning, comfortable and playful personality. Gaida's beauty seems a bit pale
next to all that bubbling energy.

(why do I suddenly feel like some guy with a butt-crack for a head is standing
behind me watching some green slave girl dance? HOWARD? is that you?)

