On 19-Nov-2004, "pennyaline"
> wrote:
> "The Wolf" wrote:
> > A "normal" woman doesn't have a 5:1 ratio ot fat ass to small
> > boobies........
> Wow! Where are you?
> I say just give your unEarthly women a few years and they'll have a high
> rump to breast ratio too, I'll just betcha.
> > Do NOT ever badmouth Giada again or I will hunt you down like the dog
> > that you are. :-)
> I still think that Giada must be what Phyllis Diller looked like in her
> young years. I mean...
> She is borderline UGLY... follow along with me, the things I describe are
> especially visible when Giada does one of her marketplace walkthroughs:
> Skin and bones,
> Hooked nose,
> Forced toothiness...
> She is everything they laughed at in Diller!
> <maybe Giada can play the piano, too>
Phyllis Diller never looked so good. In the '60s, before her career took
off nationally, Phyllis and "Fang" lived about a mile and a half from me. I
used to see her in local stores, on tv and at various venues in the St.
Louis area. If she had looked anything like Giada, there would have been no
laughing - at least about her looks.