Gregory Morrow wrote:
> PENMART01 wrtoe:
> > Humboldt Bay Oyster-Cornbread Dressing
> [...]
> Hmmm...I need a new oyster dressing recipe, thanks!
Tell me about it. They are good raw out on the flats but then isn't
anything? It's once you get them back to the real world that you have to
find some way to sell them.
I heard Clinton buried a time capsule at his new presidential library
sized like an overseas shipping container filled with stuff he didn't
want anyone to find till long after his death, the real deed to
Whitewater, the envelope for the Tyson Foods chicken payoffs, the real
gun he used to whack Foster, the keys to the Exocet missile he took Ron
Brown out with, copies of another few thousand illegally acquired FBI
files on his enemies, tickets to Tahiti from the White House Travel
Office, a few more soiled dresses, a couple of cases of well chewed
Cuban cigars, and the unabridged version of his autobiography. That last
one was touch and go just getting the bugger in.