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In article >,
Blair P. Houghton > wrote:

> Katra > wrote:
> >In article >,
> > Blair P. Houghton > wrote:
> >
> >> Katra > wrote:
> >> >Anyway, it was over with the dried shitakes. It's a bag that says "dried
> >> >fungus" and when I asked the cashier, she said it was called white
> >> >fungus.
> >>
> >> Mushrooms are fungi, too.
> >>
> >> "Maybe it's nothing but a semantic issue."

> >
> ><rolls eyes> I kNOW that!
> >That is why I asked here if anyone had ever tried these! ;-)

> It seemed kinda like you thought they were some exotic
> thing because they said "fungus", but if they'd been called
> "dried mushrooms" you wouldn't have been so excited.
> --Blair
> "Usenet is more like a virus."

<lol> No, I KNEW that they were a dried mushroom/fungus, just not one I
was familiar with on the usual store bought edibles... Sometimes the
orientals will not call something by the same name that we do!

Even the dried Shitakes are not labeled "Shitakes".
Fortunately, I was able to recognize those as such.

A lot of the packages in that store are labeled in chinese, and I can't
read that so I have to hope that one of the cashiers speaks enough
english to help me identify what I'm buying if it is something I am not
familiar with. It does not always happen and even the managers are
sometimes clueless so I end up on my own. A picture is not enough to
even use for a 'net search.

As I've gotten older, I've gotten more adventurous about new foods! A
necessary thing if I want my diet to be interesting now that I've had to
give up wheat, potatoes and rice. :-P Do you have _any_ idea how much of
the american diet is based on Wheat or wheat products???

The Thai market in Austin is rich in untried delectables and I have a
LOT to learn about them.

And I adore mushrooms! :-d


Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...

>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra