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>It's an interesting thought, a bland creamy mush accented with more bland
>From: Dave Smith

Think grits with a creamier slightly tangy butter. I can see it. I bet it's
awesome with poached eggs & black pepper and can probably even be touted as
*healthier* *laughs*

Some times people wanna add too much to side dishes- especially starchy ones
which I think are often supposed to be a bland-ish backround to the main
sauces/dishes of the meal.

Mexican rice is a good example. A lot of recipes are chocked full of tomato,
bell pepper, corn, peppers, heavy spices- sometimes even black beans, etc and
it overpowers the more delicate flavors of say a chile relleno or a seafood
enchalada rather than compliment them. The rice should also be able to provide
a cool (but not tasteless) backround to the hot n spicy dishes.

I think of grits similarly. Whether dressed with just butter & fresh black
pepper, or eggs, or sausage country gravy they are better as a side dish if
they aren't loaded with lots of other strong flavors- unless the grits are the
*main dish*. Just my perspective *chuckles*

