Dog3 wrote:
> Breakfast is an omelette with green pepper, mushrooms, white onion, jack
> cheese and some very hot salsa. I made the cubed potatoes with onion also.
> I'll be belching for hours. No toast today or bagel. Not in the mood. I
> almost did sunny side up instead of the omelette but I'm glad I chose the
> omelette. How do you like your eggs everyone?
I'm sort of turned off eggs lately, but I do not like them scrambled.
A wet omelette could put me off them permanently. But, I am rather
fond of over medium fried eggs with well buttered toast. That just
might be my lunch.
> Michael <- should weigh 500 pounds but doesn't-yet, day 3 of no smoking...
> Hardest thing to quit and I'm starving. Everything tastes terrific.
You hang in there, kiddo, I'm proud of you.