In article >, Katra > wrote:
>In article >,
> (Phred) wrote:
>> In article >,
>> Katra > wrote:
>> >In article >,
>> > (Phred) wrote:
>> >> In article >,
>> >> Katra > wrote:
>> [...]
>> >> >hehehehe! I don't even have any tobasco sauce, except for a couple of
>> >> >teensy little (unopened) bottles I got at a hotel I stayed at.
>> >>
>> >> I didn't know that came in any other size. :-)
>> >> (Mine is a 60 ml bottle with about 3/4 used in 15 years!)
>> >>
>> >> > They were sent up by room service.
>> >>
>> >> Good God! What did you order?
>> >
>> >Mexican food... ;-)
>> >Nachos.
>> >
>> >I was there for training on a new Coulter cell counter that our Lab
>> >bought, and Coulter was picking up the tab. We had a certain amount we
>> >were allowed to spend for food per day so I like to take advantage and
>> >do room service when I have the chance! That is the one benefit to going
>> >to those seminars. <lol>
>> >
>> >It's also the only time I ever get to fly.....
>> Those things must be worth a *lot* more than a couple of gross of 4"
>> glass petri dishes! ;-) [ On second thoughts, 4" dishes would now be
>> worth a king's ransom. The local product is now all 100 mm and
>> standard 9 cm filter paper circles just don't quite sit flat in them.]
><giggles> Yah... 'bout 150 grand or so!
>Glass petri dishes? Those are now collectible!
>Everyone has switched to plastic to reduce
>the changes of a sharps contamination if they break!
Not *everyone*.

I'm just a tree-hugging greenie at heart, fighting a rear-guard action
against the disposable age. The glass 4" dishes I know have been in
use for many years. [ Besides which, all the plastic ones I've tried
don't do the job properly. 8-) ]
Cheers, Phred.