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  #119 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Melba's Jammin' wrote:

> In article >, zxcvbob
> > wrote:
>>Melba's Jammin' wrote:
>>>One of those chunks has since be transformed into more turkey salad
>>>spread. I love it on toasted bread for lunch -- or on a cracker as a

>>Try using Chicken-in-a-Bisquit crackers for turkey salad snacks.

> Yum. I used to love those. Now they seem so salty. :-(
>>I missed that BOGO offer at Cub, but I'm not sure there's room in the
>>freezer for a spare turkey.

> There's still this week. :-) Forty-eight cents per lb, I think.

I came home today and found a frozen turkey in the refrigerator. It
says "Farm Raised" (whatever that means) on the label, and it cost $2
per pound.

I don't like paying $2 for a beef roast, much less any sort of frozen bird.
