Thread: Pretty Mints
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Default Pretty Mints

Okay, I've been dreading this for years, because I've never had any success
finding a recipe. This year I have to make some, and I hope that somebody
recognises what I'm looking for.

When I was a little girl, my mother was friends with a neighbour lady. Every
Christmas mother would give her a bottle of wine, and the lady would give us
a box of the best homemade mints I've ever had in my life.

They were about as big as a quarter, and she made them in pastel colours,
pink and green and yellow. She must have used a mould, and the green ones
were shaped like leaves, and the yellow and pink ones were rosettes. The
were soft and creamy, and had been sprinkled with sparkly sugar.

I'd love to make some for my folks, ( and us, too! ), but I've never known
what they were called. Does this sound familiar to anyone? I'm also no whiz
at candy, but I don't think these are going to be all that hard. ( so to
speak ).

Help? ( Mrs. Armstrong, are you out there? )

Thanks much!

- Tess