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  #27 (permalink)   Report Post  
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>Sheldon, what do you do with all the vegetables you raise? I'd genuinely
>like to know.

They all get eaten of course! LOL

I trade with neighbors, we all grow stuff the other doesn't... some I plain
give away. But most I eat. I do a lot of freezing, canning is too much work,
costs more to do, and is risky. I prepare and freeze lots of tomato sauce,
which will contain herbs, peppers, onions and garlic. During the growing
season I plan on eating salads every day, all kinds of salads, huge salads....
salad is the main course, often with nothing else. I also grill lots of
veggies; eggplant, squashes, thick slabs of onion, whatever can be grilled goes
on the grill. I also do lots of soups and stews... amazing how much vegetale
gets used in soups and stews... and various slaws, from plain old green
cabbage, red cabbage, and various oriental cabbages... the oriental greens make
great salads with spicy oriental flavored dressings.

The trick is to plan a large variety but not to plant more of any one thing
than I can consume... that takes practice.

---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."