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George Shirley wrote:
> notbob wrote:
>> On 2004-11-21, Michael Odom > wrote:
>>> Does he like slow athletes and clumsy ballerinas, too? Is his
>>> favorite car a Pinto or a Yugo? Does his wardrobe consist only of
>>> argyle?

>> No doubt just a G. Mendel wannabe. Got him his 15 mins, didn't it?
>> nb

> Believe it or not some of are happy he did what he did. I can no longer
> handle really hot chiles but I do like the flavor and fruitiness of the
> hab. I intend to plant some next year from TAMU and enjoy them again.
> George

They already exist; they have names like "Trinidad Spice" and "Grenada
Seasoning", and taste just like habaneros without any heat whatsoever.
When my brother first started growing them, I wondered what was the
point? Then it dawned on me that you could cook with a half a dozen of
them them to get the taste you wanted, then add 1/2 a real habanero (or
even some dried cayenne or arbol peppers) to bring up the heat to
whatever level you wanted.

I'll email him and see if he has any seeds that are not contaminated
with hot pepper genes*, and if so he can mail you some seeds.

Best regards,
