Barbtail wrote:
> Chris writes:
>>I think it's regional thing. One year we ordered a turkey dinner from
>>Luby's cafeteria (I think they are mostly in the Southwest) and in the
>>giblet gravy were chopped hard cooked eggs. Needless to say we were not
>>pleased with the gravy or for that matter much else of the meal. These
>>days we go to our son's home and he does deep-fried turkeys. We will be
>>doing our own turkey a few days later on our Big Green Egg.
>>Chris in Pearland, TX
> I could see a little hard cooked egg as a garnish- if you really felt like your
> gravy needed a garnish, but as an ingredient? It's interesting *laughs*.
> I haven't tried a deep fried turkey yet- but I will soon! They look and sound
> just totally yummy.
> Barb
Lots of folks down here in SW Louisiana deep fry their turkeys. To me
they're okay but I still prefer baked. If fried turkeys aren't done just
right they can be pretty greasy and that much hot oil can be dangerous
if you don't pay attention.