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Wayne Boatwright
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"limey" > wrote in :

> "Wayne Boatwright" wrote in message > "limey" wrote >>
>>> "Wayne Boatwright" wrote in message > I'm ready to make mincemeat for
>>> Christmas pies, but have an apple question.
>>>> What would be the best US substitution for Bramley apples?
>>>> --
>>>> Wayne in Phoenix
>>> Wayne, I personally would go with a Granny Smith.
>>> Dora

>> Thanks, Dora. I was thinking that might be a good choice, but I'd never
>> tasted a raw Bramley.
>> --
>> Wayne in Phoenix

> I just happened to think - did you ever order that suet?
> Dora

Thanks for remembering! As it happens, I learned that an acquaintance at
work is from somewhere in Yorkshire. She put me onto a local butcher who
will order fresh kidney suet on request and grind it. I got a small quantity
last month to make a suet pudding and ordered another five pounds of it
today. June Fawthrop, on, posted her mincemeat recipe
today on my request of her husband, Dave. I will use her recipe and I think
I will also make a batch of Delia Smith's Christmas Mincemeat. June's sounds
really good!

Wayne in Phoenix

*If there's a nit to pick, some nitwit will pick it.
*A mind is a terrible thing to lose.