Thread: Hello, I am new
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  #19 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Terry Pulliam Burd" > wrote in message

> >Other than that you are very welcome. There's

> a NewsGroup ettiquette site, but I don't remember
> its URL.

> Is this it?

That was one of the best WebTV-to-Usenet references I've seen, but it
has, alas, gone the way of the Dodo. I posted a few other links
further downthread, which will hopefully not overwhelm the OP (I did
warn that there's a lot to digest ). If anyone's got the text from
the above link, I'd be very happy to receive a copy, for future
distribution to WebTV newbies.

And, as always, a pox on WebTV for sending its members into the wilds
of Usenet so grossly unprepared.