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Denise~* > wrote in message >...
> I'd have to agree with this & add that I have noticed that milk tends to
> stay better longer in cardboard containers than in plastic. Just my
> personal experiences though.

I agree about plastic vs. cardboard, though I usually buy plastic
anyway because we drink our milk pretty quickly. I also find that the
higher the fat content of the milk, the more quickly it spoils.

My one-year-old drinks whole milk, so we buy it in 1/2 gallon
containers and after about 3 days, it starts to smell funny (to me --
but I can always smell/taste the change much sooner than anyone else).
Ideally, I'd buy his milk in quarts, but that gets really expensive.

The rest of the family drinks skim milk, which we buy in gallon
plastic jugs. It's usually good up to 4 days.

I don't know how long it takes for the milk to downright spoil,
because I toss it once it starts tasting a little funny. And I'm a
freak about leaving the milk out of the fridge -- it is just not done
in our house -- not even for a minute!
