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On Mon, 22 Nov 2004 08:50:58 -0600, zxcvbob >

>Menno wrote:
>> I know this pudding should have been made months and months ago, but
>> we are suddenly invited to a dinner for 20 people and the pudding that
>> is awaiting is too small, so I need to make a Very Large one.
>> Unfortunately I cannot cook it by putting it in a pan au bain marie on
>> top of the stove because of the size, so thought I might try it au
>> bain marie in the oven

>I have cooked cheese cakes in a big pressure canner (huge pressure
>cooker with a precise pressure regulation). They should work just fine
>for a steamed pudding. Of course I don't know if you have access to a
>big pressure canner...

No I don't. As I said I was figuring on putting the covered bowl in a
large pan filled with water (it would come to about halfway the bowl)
and then put the pan in the oven at abt. 210 F. (100 C) for some 7
