>Dog3 writes:
>>(PENMART01) wrote:
>>> Dog3 writes:
>>>I'm trying the small hen this year
>>>just because it will only be the 2 of us. I'm not going to fool around
>>>with the leftovers as I normally do. I have a feeling we'll still have
>> A 12 pound hen will contain far more meat than any two normal people
>> can consume, you'll barely make a dent in it... but I've known people
>> who only consider the white meat, those taste-in-assholes actually
>> toss the dark meat in the trash, which is what prompted the advent of
>> marketing just the breast, at double the price of whole turkey... the
>> turkey processor gets to keep the dark meat for free. Personally I
>> much prefer the dark meat... white meat is too dry, can't eat it
>> unless it's swimming in gravy. Turkey necks rule!
>I really like dark meat. Gimme a drumstick. Breast is okay too. I just
>like turkey in general. I really like dark meat in soups, stews and pot
>pies. I use the breast meat for sandwiches with lettuce, tomato and a lot
>of mayo. I'll eat maybe a slice on the plate at T-day but I'm a drumstick
>person. Now, the giblets are good in my gravy and I'll do the neck with
>the gravy also along with mushrooms and onions.
Don't forget the turkey oysters, those two succulent medallions lodged in the
depression of the backbone... my guests never even see them.
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"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."