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  #42 (permalink)   Report Post  
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"Tawnie" > wrote in message
> You guys are all sick. At least Rachel looks like a normal woman.
> Giada needs to eat. Even the rest of the chefs on the network think
> she is waaaaay too thin. They were all trying to get her to eat at the
> thanksgiving special. Men that want stick thin women need to look at
> themselves first and see what they are trying to over compensate for
> by looking for an arm piece.

I made an earlier post preferring Giada. That doesn't mean I prefer skinny
to voluptuous. It means that I prefer Giada to other female celebrity
chefs. Her thinness is a detraction to her overall attractiveness, not a
plus. Just because, given a small set of females, someone who is very thin
is preferred, that doesn't mean that her thinness is the reason for the