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>"Rick & Cyndi" writes:

>"Christine Dabney" wrote:
>>>(PENMART01) wrote:
>>>Granted it's manual
>>>labor but movers just ain't that dumb.

>> You must not have had some of the movers I have had. And I have
>> moved a lot in my life, so I have seen all types.

>Yep, same here. Hired the same company the last two times - first time
>perfect but the last time was the pits! Most of the kitchen stuff they
>stacked on the floor in front of (against) the cabinets... but didn't put
>anything on the counter tops (how did they expect me to open the cabinets to
>put stuff inside?)... then (and this is what sent me through the roof!) they
>stacked boxes on top of my dining room table - WITHOUT a pad or tablecloth
>on top!!!

Yoose obviously engaged a couple of winos off the curb (your unemployed
brothers), rented a u-haul, and got 'zactly what you deserved... 'cause I know
with absolute certainty that if yoose try to pawn off your fercocktah storys
otherwise you're lying. Professional movers would never stack cartons on a
dining table, in fact they'd have removed the table legs to move it. duh And
professional movers wouldn't place cartons on counter tops, or on top of
anything else... all items get placed on the floor wherever you point. I've
moved more times than I have fingers and toes and the most ever got damaged was
once a cup cracked. My last move was just a year and a half ago, a perfect job.

---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."