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Peter wrote:
> Hi all,
> First, thanks for all the great posts about how to handle the breast
> (as it were). I just noticed that the breast I bought sez, "Injected
> with up to 15% of a solution to enhance juiciness. Solution
> ingredients: Turkey broth, salt, sugar, sodium phosphates (yum)
> flavoring."
> After giving me the dope-slap for getting this thing, any
> modifications I should consider? Should I even brine it at all given
> this information?
> Thanks again for all the help.
> Peter

First, how are you cooking the beast?

If it's that heavily brined to begin with, I'd just go with injection.

Buy one of those injection kits at the grocery store and toss the jar of
shit that comes with the rig. So it costs you $5 for the injector, who

Do a honey butter thing all over the bird and you'll have *very* pleased

My fave is honey, butter and garlic. Sounds nasty, but it's exquisite.