> wrote in message
> is there one worth buying? i have read alot of good things about the
> Ronco showtime on here...anyone with opinions on it or other brands to
> check out? it is VERY appreciated!
> i am itching to get one but dont want to blow my cash on something
> basically useless...or shoddy...or worse.
> thanks !
> bloo
I personally recommend the ST 5000 (Ron Popeil) Showtime Rotisserie. I
absolutely, positively, without a doubt - ROCKS!!!
If you don't want/need several of the attachments the bottom post is the
least expensive... but for "all of the goodies" the first URL is the better
bargain. I have "all of the goodies" plus some and can not say enough
WONDERFUL things about the Rotisserie and the accessories.
As I've said numerous times... just wait until you make meat loaf in it! Oh
my stars!!
My SIL has the little George Foreman version...she likes it but I got the
impression that it doesn't clean as easily as mine!