Howard Larson wrote:
> Sheldon, when I was growing up in rural Wisconsin, we were poor. I
> hunted deer every season since I was 12. For me, this wasn't sport.
> Bagging a buck meant there would be meat on the table for the rest of
> the year.
> I quit hunting when I was 20. The woods was too crowded with people
> who didn't know what they were doing or didn't give a damn. When I
> heard the sound of a bullet whistling over head, I decided enough was
> enough.
Heck, some hunters are so stupid that you don't even have to go into the
bush to get shot. I caught a blast of No. 5 shot once while driving down
the road. Some idiot hunting blackbirds in a cherry orchard mistook my
truck for game. No,5 shot just puts a small hole in your hide, but it
sure does smart and it leaves a huge bruise.