Phyllis wrote:
> "ItsJoanNotJoAnn" > wrote in message
> m...
>>>> >
>>>> > I have to agree with Wayne's recipe. Although my family always used
>>>> > self-rising stone ground cornmeal and strictly bacon fat.
>>>Self rising CORN flour? That's a new one to me. I've never
>>>made cornbread with corn flour either (yes I know it
>>>exists), only finely ground cornmeal, with or w/o wheat
>>>In any case, it will taste dry if it's made with only
>>>cornmeal and that was my point. Cornflour was NOT part of
>>>my equasion.
>>Helloooooooo! I didn't say self-rising CORN flour, I said self-rising
>>corn MEAL. At this very moment I am looking at a 5# bag of Martha
>>White yellow self-rising enriched corn meal with "hot rize." (as
>>proclaimed on the front of the bag) It already has the baking powder
>>and salt in the bag. It also has a tad of wheat flour in the bag.
>>This brand has been around, at least here in TN, since Adam was a lad.
>>Follow Wayne's recipe, which I heartly concur with, and my suggestion
>>of plenty of butter, and you will be guaranteed cornbread to make
>>Scarlett O'hara weep.
>>Leave the flour for biscuit and pie crust making.
> There is a recipe in the Damnyankee in a Southern Kitchen that I have made
> for years. It is not caketype. It is 1cp of cornmeal, 1tsp each baking soda
> and salt, 2cps buttermilk, 1 beaten egg and 2Tbs butter. 450 about 30 min. I
> also add a little sugar.
So-called "Arkansas Cornbread", recipe in our 44 yo Betty Crocker
Cookbook is the same as yours but calls for 2 cups cornmeal. Splash a
little oil in a 10-inch cast iron skillet, heat skillet and oven to
450F, pour in cornbread mix, cook 20-25 minutes (in my oven) or until
done as shown by a toothpick coming out clean.
SUGAR! My gracious, that's heresy in this part of the south. Maybe some
cracklings but never sugar. Eat the cornbread with beans and sausage
over it or the poor man's way, milk, black pepper, and finely chopped
onions. Grew up on this stuff every time my Dad went on strike, which in
the fifties, was pretty often. Still like it and taught my Yankee wife
to eat it. She and the grown kids love it to this day.
George, in SW Louisiana