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  #50 (permalink)   Report Post  
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>"C. James Strunz" claims:
>>"PENMART01" wrote:
>>> "C. James Strunz" claims:
>>>It's actually pretty hard
>>>these days to find a place where you are truely lost to the point where
>>>survivability is an issue.

>> You're not an outdoorsman... only outdoors you've ever seen is in a
>> Natural Geographic magazine.

>Oh, I get outdoors a lot. I never get lost AND I never make stupid
>assumptions about people I don't know.

Not an assumption... read your own post... you are extremely stupid and a liar.
It's very easy to get lost on this planet, considering the vast portion is
uninhabited and extremely hostile. I seriously doubt your entire hillybilly
world is no wider than three miles from your front door... you are also a
jerk... not an assumption, fact.

---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."