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C. James Strutz
Posts: n/a
wrote in message
> >"C. James Strunz" claims:
>>Oh, I get outdoors a lot. I never get lost AND I never make stupid
>>assumptions about people I don't know.
> Not an assumption... read your own post... you are extremely stupid and a
> liar.
> It's very easy to get lost on this planet, considering the vast portion is
> uninhabited and extremely hostile. I seriously doubt your entire
> hillybilly
> world is no wider than three miles from your front door... you are also a
> jerk... not an assumption, fact.
Sure, there are lots of places where people can easily get lost. I'm sure
any of you can drop me in a place where I'd have a hard time finding my way
out of - no doubt. I'm not argueing that. I'm saying that most places in the
United States are close enough to civilization that most people could find
their way out and survive.
Now, about your attitude. You are one of those people who hide behind the
internet and abuse people with insults and bad language. There's nothing you
can write that can be taken seriously. Everyone sees through your rude,
obnoxious behavior and knows you for who you are; an angry coward with way
too much time on your hands. Your words have no power - go knock yourself
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