Thread: Foley's Rant
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Default Foley's Rant

>>> Jack, the material is defective. I don't expect denim to fray after 2
>>> washings. I can sometimes get over a year's wear out of jeans, but I
>>> won't
>>> with these. They might fall apart on me one day, hehe.

>> I take back my comment; were it my store, I'd have cheerfully exchanged
>> them. That way your post would be praising my store rather than a rant.
>> You did show proof of purchase, even though you didn't keep the receipt.
>> Sorry
>> Jack Oops

>Let 'em tear and fray. Some people pay a fortune on it on purpose. I'm not
>one of them. I like plain old Levis and I've had good luck with Old Navy
>jeans. I seldom by the designer jeans like Chaps but I have a couple of
>pair and the've held up well. I'd call the store and ask for a refund
>without the receipt. Did you pay by credit card, you could always use your
>statement as a receipt.

Michael, they are fraying at most folds of the seams now, like on the pockets.
The other jeans are showing a little wear but nothing like this. These were
bought in mid-September.

A neighbor gave me a bunch of Levis that her daughter had outgrown and I wore
those for years. A couple of pairs are still wearable, but they became
painting pants.
My fashionable friend swears by Gap jeans (and he looks great in them).I have
recently ordered some jeans from Nordstrom's online but they haven't arrived
yet. So many places sell hip-hugger bell bottom jeans now and I really don't
want to go back there.

Foley's is sending me a receipt in the mail that I can take back to the store.
I don't really want to go back to that store. Like a dummy, I bought the pants
with a new Foley's credit card I opened at check-out, as I'd get 10% off my
purchase. No more store credit cards for me! There would have been no
question if I had used my Mastercard. I think I'm SOL.

I can always go back to LLBean, although my fashionable friend never liked the
clothing I bought from them. Good customer service and good quality.