"The Joneses" > wrote in message
> Victor Sack wrote:
> > elizabeth emerald > wrote:
> > > my son is allergic to citrus (among other things) & i am trying to
> > > something to replace lemon/citrus juice & rind in recipes. it is an
> > > important ingredient in so many recipes both savoury & sweet.
> > > any ideas?
> >
> > Try to find verjuice (verjus), juice of unripe fruits or berries,
> > usually grapes. It can be nearly as tart as lemon juice.
> > For a somewhat different effect, you might also want to experiment wuth
> > a weak solution of hydrochloric acid (get the tablets to be dissolved at
> > your pharmacy). It is not anything to be afraid of - hydrochloric acid
> > is naturally produced in your stomach. It is also still sometimes
> > prescribed for such conditions as hypohydrochloria. There is no harm if
> > you use the weak solution in the manner lemon juice is normally used. I
> > like the taste rather a lot.
> > Victor
> Citric acid might be cheaper and more readily available as Vitamin C
> But some are made from citrus fruits, so got to be careful?
he is severely allergic to most fruit, so vitamin c & citric acid are both
elizabeth (in australia)
"Old school don't mean I'm better, I'm just getting older" -- Bias B