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Steve Calvin
Posts: n/a

PENMART01 wrote:
> My property is well POSTED, as are all my neighbors, no one permits hunting
> along this entire road.


Well, I think that's a fairly narrow minded view of the total picture,
but it's your property and your call obviously. I hope that you don't
get to the point where we are in Dutchess county where you see deer
starving to death or being chased by coyotes or dogs in the winter due
to over population. It's a much more gruesome sight than hunting by
responsible people.

> Hmm, sure sounds like you're putting down appartment dwellers... tsk tsk
> Last hunting season I spotted a few people from my kitchen window way out in in
> my back hayfield... the funniest thing you ever saw is fat *******s all decked
> out in hunting gear bogged down in frozen hay trying to outrun a Landcruiser...
> one of them even begged me to let him retrieve the rifle he dropped.
> Ahahahahahahaha. . . .

People who don't know how to respect others property, ask permission,
etc deserve what they get.


Who was the first person to say, "See that chicken there... I'm gonna
eat the next thing that comes outta it's ass?"