Bob (this one) wrote:
> So there we were, experimenting with a whipped custard in my first
> restaurant and not only didn't it whip, it sat there as a sodden mess. I
> was getting ready to toss it when Marge, my lead cook said, "Give it to
> me." She took care of it. Later, when lunch was almost over, I noticed
> the specials board. It said that today's lunch special was some kind of
> sandwich (I've long since forgotten what kind) with "Swedish soft
> custard parfait." Sold it all. Couldn't duplicate it. Every time
> thereafter, it worked properly and never sold as well as the mistake.
It was supposed to be a vegan lemon cake. I'd made a similar recipe a
thousand times with oil, tofu, whole wheat flour, maple syrup, and it
had always turned out fine in a vegan sort of way. This time I baked
and baked it, but it wouldn't set in the middle. The batter tasted
great, but it wouldn't turn into a cake with nice brown top and a soft
crumb. It stayed soft and soggy in the middle. I spooned it into
plastic containers, called it lemon pudding cake and got tons of
compliments. Like your Swedish custard parfait, it defied duplication,
but it was good while it lasted.