Thread: Lipton Tea/Foam
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Rufus T. Firefly
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Actually I think I made a mistake. It should have been Twinings that
her Queenship drinks. I read that in a Japanese book on tea. I guess I
should stay off the dust when posting.


(Rufus T. Firefly) wrote in message . com>...
> This is getting very interesting. Matcha shouldn't be categorized
> alongside the stuff that Lipton and Tetley and those other leftovers
> of the evil empire sell. (humorous side note - apparently the Queen of
> England drinks Lipton because they are the longest-remaining of the
> emperial tea companies) Have you seen how small retailers make matcha
> with those grinding machines? It is a very personal thing, usually,
> and someone is actually checking the outcome. Sweepings are a
> different matter all together and the price usually signifies that.
> CTC is a wonderful process, which offers high flavor content with low
> volume, better than orthodox could ever hope for, but Americans are
> forced to drink the lowest quality due to sheer lack of product
> information. I don't even think we can put Japanese tea in the same
> league as other teas. Do you know that certain areas here in Japan
> still refuse to use machinery in picking leaves because they feel it
> destroys the integrity of the leaf? It's not like they haven't got the
> cash. What refined business models. People here buy it because they
> have the sense to know. What an amazing standard for the rest of the
> world to emulate. I sincerely hope that one day my countrymen will
> have the refined sense to appreciate this.
> Rufus T. Firefly
> Tokyo
(Ripon) wrote in message . com>...
> > Oh dear Michael, Dust from crap? Don't live with this wrong
> > information. I don't know who gave you this information. Just want to
> > tell you this- this is wrong, very wrong.
> >
> > I always enjoy good grade dust tea. Dust, BOP all of this graded tea
> > can be better then many orthodox good looking full leaves tea.
> >
> > Ripon
> > Vienna,VA
> >
> >
> >
> > Michael Plant > wrote in message
> > > Dust is crap. The question of whether it's swept off the floor or lovingly
> > > produced for our consumption is irrelevant.