Dave Smith wrote:
> zxcvbob wrote:
>>>It is incidents like this one and the one in which I was shot by a stupid
>>>hunter, as opposed to a responsible hunter, that I am in favor of gun control
>>If it were not for the existing gun regulations, some of the folks would
>>probably have been wearing sidearms -- so they would not have been
>>defenseless against the lunatic. As it was, he shot the one guy that
>>had a rifle, and then the rest were easy pickings.
> Just like in the good old days when shoot-outs were almost a form of recreation,
> which led to gun controls.
>>The ones on the ATV that came to their aid (and were shot) probably left
>>their rifles and shotguns behind at the cabin because they thought they
>>were coming to an accidental shooting. If they had had handguns with
>>them, they might have had a chance.
> Against a rifle at a distance?
You would rather they had no chance?