"Dear Friends,
As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, I want to extend my
deepest thanks and appreciation for the steadfast support I
continue to receive from so many of you. I am told this web
page has logged nearly 8 million hits since I began serving
my sentence last month, and that supporters have sent more
than 15,000 emails. I have also received thousands of
letters. I cherish them all.
While I can't answer each note personally, I want you to
know that I am well. As you would expect, the loss of
freedom and the lack of privacy are extremely difficult. But
I am safe, fit and healthy, and I am pleased to report that,
contrary to rumors you might have heard, my daily
interactions with the staff and fellow inmates here at
Alderson are marked by fair treatment and mutual respect.
In short, I am in good spirits and making the best of this
difficult situation. Visits from my friends, family and
colleagues - together with your goodwill and best wishes --
will get me through this chapter in my life. For this
friendship and support, I am very grateful this
Martha Stewart