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Allan Matthews
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On 24 Nov 2004 01:08:34 GMT, (PENMART01) wrote:

>>Nancy Dooley wrote:
>>> Dog3 wrote:
>>>>(PENMART01) wrote:
>>>>>Six Dead, Three Hurt in Wisconsin Hunting Dispute
>>>>Sheldon, do you ever get poachers on your farm? I'm sure you probably
>>>>don't allow hunting on your property. Inexperienced hunters can be very

>My property is well POSTED, as are all my neighbors, no one permits hunting
>along this entire road.
>>> Farm? I thought Shel lived in an apartment.

>Hmm, sure sounds like you're putting down appartment dwellers... tsk tsk
>Last hunting season I spotted a few people from my kitchen window way out in in
>my back hayfield... the funniest thing you ever saw is fat *******s all decked
>out in hunting gear bogged down in frozen hay trying to outrun a Landcruiser...
>one of them even begged me to let him retrieve the rifle he dropped.
>Ahahahahahahaha. . . .
>---= BOYCOTT FRANCE (belgium) GERMANY--SPAIN =---
> ---= Move UNITED NATIONS To Paris =---
> *********
>"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."

I live on a road 2.9 miles long where every inch is posted..amazing
how the same people who post complain about the fact they can't have
shrubs because the deer eat them and they complain about the dozen or
so deer that get hit by cars on this road every year..