Roasted Garlic mashed Potatoes
I am making this tomorrow for 30 people. There will also be stuffing,
asparagas, roasted eggplant, salad and the turkey and brisket.
In the potatoes I plan to put roasted garlic, milk, cream cheese, some
rosemary and some sauted oinions. I have no idea of the proportions
yet, I never do until I make it and I've never made this,
So, here is my question. Can I make it today for tomorrow and what is
the best way to warm it up. We have a built in wall oven that is too
narrow and inside will be the brisket warming in two roasting pans.
There is a little room on the sides if I turn the pans so the
"colapsable handles" go in head first, but only 5 inches. We have a
gas grill in the backyard and a microwave and the stove will be
available. We may have to heat up the asparagas and egglant.
So, you can see the dilemmas. Any advice?