Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> In article > ,
> (Nancy Dooley) wrote:
>>In addition, he was hunting in Wisconsin with a Minnesota license.
> You sure about that?
He had his WI hunting license number on his back. That's how he was
identified. He may have had a MN hunting license too, but that is
A few other facts that I looked up at the WI DNR that people have been
speculating about
It is illegal to:
• hunt with a fully automatic firearm.
• hunt with any means other than a gun discharged from the shoulder or a
bow and arrow. Handguns may be used as described under the “handgun
section” (page 9). Crossbows may be used as described under the “bows,
arrows, and crossbows section” (page 9).
• possess any firearm from 12:00 midnight - 11:59 p.m. on November 19,
2004 unless the firearm is unloaded and enclosed within a carrying case.
Exceptions: Regulations 8 Deer Firearm Restricted Areas Map (see page 28
for CWD Areas) target shooting at established target ranges, and on
private lands by landowners and family members, CWD zones (see page 38),
waterfowl hunting during open season, and hunting on licensed bird
hunting preserves. Note: An established target range means an existing
location that is set up for target shooting with firearms as its major
• shoot a firearm within 100 yards of a building devoted to human
occupancy while on lands you do not own without the permission of the
owner or occupant of that building.
• hunt deer or bear with ammunition loaded with full metal jacket,
nonexpanding type bullets.
• possess or control any shotshell loaded with single slug or ball while
hunting, except during the gun season for deer or bear.
• possess while hunting, shotshells loaded with shot larger than No. BB
from June 1 - Nov. 30 (or June 1- Dec. 14 in Zone T and EAB units).
I couldn't find anything about magazine capacity being limited to 5 rounds:
• Must have an overall 26" minimum length with 16" minimum barrel length.
• Are legal for hunting deer in areas not restricted to shotgun,
muzzleloaders and handguns only as indicated by non-shaded areas on map
• It is illegal to posses a rifle larger than .22 rimfire during any gun
deer season in shotgun only areas unless it is unloaded and enclosed
within a carrying case.
• It is illegal to hunt deer with a .22 or 5mm rimfire rifle or .177
caliber centerfire rifle.
• Any .22 caliber or larger centerfire rifle is legal to use to hunt deer.
• To be legal for deer, centerfire handguns must use cartridges of .22
caliber or larger and have a 5 1/2 inch minimum barrel, measured from
the firing pin to the muzzle with the action closed.
• You must be 18 years old to hunt with or possess a handgun.
Note: Target shooting with handguns by persons under the age of 18 years
is allowed only when supervised by an adult.
• You may not possess a concealed handgun.
• Muzzleloading handguns, see “Muzzleloaders” above.
So whatever Chinese rifle the guy had, it was a legal and appropriate
hunting rifle as long as it was not capable of fully-automatic fire, and
he was not using non-expanding (military) ammo.
Also (different than I thought), the folks that he gunned down *could*
have legally carried pistols as long as they were not concealed.
No one has yet been able to tell me an ethnic slur for Hmongs. I'm not
sure there is one. (I'm going for the credibility of his account of
what happened.) The closest thing I can find (from is "Choong" or "rice picker." I guess they could
have called him the wrong thing, but wouldn't that be embarrassing?
Best regards,